Merry Christmas friends!
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. I John 4:9
The birth of Jesus was perfect in God’s plan and happened just the way He promised. He was born to be our Savior! Jesus came to save us and provide salvation for those who receive and believe. He is the bridge between heaven and earth. He invites us to humble our hearts, REJOICE in His presence and tell the good news of His everlasting love. He welcomes us to gratefully ADORE Him.
Oh, how we NEED the Savior! He was born so we will live. He conquered death and sin so we will have eternal life. Jesus LOVES us. He came to bring light to the darkness and provide perfect peace. He came to give us abundant life and love everlasting…
♪ Oh come let us adore Him. Oh come let us adore Him. Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! ♪
Dear God, Thank you for Jesus! Humble our hearts as we consider why You sent the Savior to our world. We will remember the events of His birth and glorify You with our praise, as we gratefully humble our hearts and ADORE Him. Amen
~ May God bring hope, peace, strength, love and many blessings in the New Year. I pray you will adore and welcome Jesus. He is worthy of our praise.

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