Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18 NIV 

God leads us from the past and prepares us for the future. He reminds us why it’s okay to STOP looking back. He covers us in strength for TODAY and gives reason to totally TRUST. 

Circumstances form powerful opportunities for God to transform us. They ready us to seek His guidance and become aware of how He will handle our days. They shape our thoughts and ready us to welcome Jesus. And, they teach us what it means to be fruitfully faithful. 

When we seek Him, we should pay attention to what’s happening in our lives. In order to do something for His glory, we must first recognize how it feels to be humbled. We must learn to TRUST. God will provide the way for us to receive Him. He will show how it feels to be grateful, in the presence of His everlasting love. 

God will make a way in the wilderness and bring water to the dryness of our souls. He will show us how to get rid of what needs to be left behind and He will renew our hearts. He will give us a purpose and help us remain faithful. And, He will give us strength to find HOPE in the blessing of TODAY!

Dear God, Your precious presence prepares us to TRUST. Help us stop looking back, so we can fix our eyes on YOU and focus on the “here and now.” Help us feel the power of Your greatness, so we will be renewed, when we get rid of what separates us from You. Amen


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