The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV

When we’re given the precious opportunity to open our eyes, breathe in His presence and welcome gratitude, God is honored when we give Him praise before we choose to rise. “Praying with thankfulness is the pathway to PEACE.” It’s what we NEED to find rest in Him, every moment of our lives. 

Prayer helps us welcome the goodness of God. He hears us when we PRAY, orchestrates our days and arms us with everything we need to witness HOW He guides and provides when we ask Him to help. 

Scripture tells us what happens when we PRAY with thanksgiving and cling to God’s promises. We learn a lot when we absorb His Word and surrender the worry of doubt. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 ESV

When we walk on the “tightrope of life” we must RELY on God to help us step with courage, so we will recognize how it feels to bravely hold on as we're held in the heart of His LOVE. God will help us discover PEACE that passes all understanding and reveal His faithfulness to us.

PEACE is what we NEED to believe it is well with our souls. Even when we step into uncomfortable situations, God will remind us HE is HERE, READY to help us receive what we NEED to remain faithful. 

Dear God, thank you for knowing our hearts. Forgive us when we forget to TRUST in You. You cover us with grace before we rise in Your greatness and help us stay grounded in truth. Thank you for peace that passes all understanding as we learn to rely on You and witness the love of Your faithfulness. You take good care of us and those we love. We will love You with all of our hearts as we glorify You, offer prayers of praise and remember we are held by Your strength in every situation. Thank you, amazing Lord! Thank you. Amen


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