Now we can come fearlessly right into God’s presence, assured of his glad welcome when we come with Christ and trust in Him. Ephesians 3:12 TLB

God is blessed when boldly come before His presence of PEACE and take time to welcome His STRENGTH. He hears our prayers. And when we humbly express the requests of our hearts, He responds when the timing is right.  

God grows us. He teaches to be patient and STILL. He provides instructions for our lives and helps us persevere. He reminds us to be faithful in our love for Christ and readies us to RECEIVE the gift of His greatness.   

Prayer allows us to nurture the relationship God desires. He knows our EVERY need. While we are cradled in care, He responds with the power of His love and humbles our hearts for Jesus. 

We must NEVER be afraid to say, “God, I need You. EVERY hour I need You!” He WILL be honored when we call on Him and He WILL hear us! He WILL remain faithful and answer our prayers. We must TRUST in Him and always remember He's IS a good, good Father!

Dear God, thank you for moments to be led by Your greatness. Thank you for Jesus, the greatest gift to the world! Forgive us when we become impatient as we wait on You. We will find strength in Your presence of peace and prayerfully honor You at Christmas and EVERY day of our lives. Thank you for this season of HOPE. It gives us STRENGTH and helps us faithfully TRUST in YOU. Thank you for the beauty of Your love. Amen


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