“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. “Matthew 5:4 NIV

Christ knows our hearts. He wraps strength around those who weep. In moments to draw us closer than before, He helps us find refuge and peace. He knows EVERY need and bandages our wounds. He helps us find comfort and calm.

At some time in our lives, we will experience grief and feel the weight of human sadness. But Jesus will hold us close and help us discover how it feels to be held. He will comfort us while we’re cradled in care and help us remember why we're not alone.

Jesus knows about suffering because He bled for us. When we consider what He endured, we begin to realize He knows how to hold us together. The One who was nailed to the cross didn't stay there forever! He died and rose again to prepare a place of us to live eternally when it’s time to go home.

God sent Jesus to bring light to the darkness, hope for tomorrow and peace that passes all understanding. He gave us Jesus to teach about salvation and the gift of eternal life. At the end of our earthly days, we will be welcomed to live forever with Christ. 

LOVE bears all things. It helps us honor the lives of those who are gone and find courage to welcome strength. Jesus WILL comfort us in mourning. There will never be a day without the calming of His love. He will hear our prayers and lead us to the Father. It is where we need to be to find healing and hope for a better tomorrow.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4. This is a promise we must believe! God WILL take care of our hurting hearts as we continue to TRUST in Him.

Dear God, thank you for the lives of those who have gone before us. We will miss tender moments we shared. When life is unfair, help us fix what is broken so we can focus on the power of Your  love. Lift us with arms of strength and allow us to feel Your calming presence. Give us peace to endure, even when we’re not sure where to find it. Your LOVE will help us bear all things. We will TRUST in You and give You our praise, even in broken hallelujah’s. Thank you for knowing our hearts. Amen 


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